My reborn journey…

My first reborn in in 1996, where I received Jesus as my Savior and God. Since that moment, my life totally change. He also baptized me with Holy Spirit. I was previously despised Him and just simply “use” (pray to) Him in difficult and also praying to other deities. I was grow up in a mixed family of Christian and Buddhist.

At about the first 10 years of my reborn I pour myself into church ministry, and I spent the remaining years till now as office worker. It is not until 2023, that I, somehow looking to be deeper with God. Through my friend, I started to watch preaches through Youtube. Starting from Pastor Vlad, then David Diga, continued to John Bevere, and I harbor in Dave Roberson. Through this last pastor teachings do my spirit grows significantly in my Jesus.

It has been a year now since then, my spirit continue to grow deeper into Jesus. I love Him, love Him, and love Him so much. I also learned the purpose and benefits of praying in tongue continuously, and through it as Jesus said in John 14:26, 16:13-15, that Holy Spirit teach, guide, and bring what Jesus and The Father has for me in revelation. That through praying in tongue. He bring revelation to me.

One thing that I learned in this journey is… our salvation, the work of our Master, Jesus, is clear, that is for us to know Him… to know Him deeper, clearer, closer, till we matured in Him, in His image. We have been born into His image, into His likeness.

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